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Vehicle Oil Filter

Engine oil is always flowing through a running engine and the oil filter helps to remove contaminates. The process of filtration is to keep the engine clean. 

Therefore, you have to make sure to change the oil filter at least in every 5000 kilo meters. Whatever the function of an oil filter operates, the physical appearance is equal to each other. Normal filters have cellulose fiber and micro grass fiber filters are expensive. There are three types of oil filters.
  • Primary oil filters – Normally, this filter is available in every vehicle to remove contaminates keep the engine clean. If the filter is block, there is a bypass valve and the oil will flow to the engine directly without filtering. 
  • Secondary filters – This can be found in Diesel engine. A portal of oil send to this secondary filter and clean the oil again. We can install a secondary filter in a patrol engine.
  • Magnetic filters – A magnet is located inside the filter and it attracts small metal particles. Then store inside of the filter.

An also we can categorize the filter as their operational behavior. 

  • Mechanical – prevent contaminates by a fiber mesh. 
  • Magnetic – abstract contaminants by magnetically attraction. 
  • Centrifugal – by rotation movements and centrifugal force, it abstracts unclean particles.

If you are going to buy a new filter, it is better to buy a filter with the same number that has having with your old filter. Then you don’t worry about the oil leak by unfitting the oil filter.

Have a safe ride!

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