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Get email Notification to your Mobile by SMS

Roger that this will work only for gmail. So let's see how to set it as send sms when you receive an email. Further more this tip can help you to receive only wanted email alerts otherwise everything.

How it does work? Simply, when you received an email, it would be automatically sent to the 'Google Calender' as a reminder - hey you have got an email! Then you will receive an email about that reminder. You can get this service from many sites to get email notification, but remember everything is not for free! However, let's see how to get it FREE...

Email Notification Alert SMS

01). First log on to your email account and click right top 'gear icon' and select 'Settings' After that click 'label tab' and 'Create new label'

02). The a dialog box will appear. Give label name as 'sendsms'

03). Create a filter. Go to 'Filter Tab' then 'Create new filter' If you want to notify about every emails you received type 'is:inbox' in 'Has the words' text box. otherwise you want to get alerts from specific person or business type its email under 'From' text box.

04). Then click 'Create filter with this search' and go to next step. Then a windows will pop up. Tick 'apply the label' and select 'sendsms' and click 'Create filter' button.

05). Then log on to 'Google Docs'

06). Then <click here> and select 'yes, make a copy'

07). Tools -> Script editor. Then Resources -> Current Project triggers -> click here to add one now and give 'time-driven' instead of 'from spreadsheet' as well as give 'minutes timer' instead of 'hour timer' then SAVE. Then click 'Authorize' and select 'Grant access'

08). Go to 'Google Calender' Then select 'Settings' -> mobile setup -> phone number

09).Then 'send verification code' suddenly you will get a pin number by sms. Then put that pin into verification code area and Finish Setup.

DONE! You will get an alert after receiving email around three or four minutes.

Note: If this method is not worked, problem: Go to Google Calendar and make sure the notification settings should be by sms not as email.

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